Listed below are a few things you should consider opting out of as it will save you money! Each item is a monthly charge on your statement:
- TransLink Monthly Fee – this provides online access to view your transactions, batches and associated detail. If this isn’t important to you, opt out. $7.50 per month.
- $100,000 Breach Coverage – this provides an extra level of insurance outside of whatever business insurance you may have already. No company has had to use this in the USA yet. You probably want to opt out. $6.95 per month.
- IMPORTANT: PCI Validation – Go to Compliance101.com and register. User name is your merchant ID. Initial password is compliance101. Follow the directions to complete. If you need help give us a call. If it is too cumbersome, we offer a service that takes care of your PCI compliance. $125 per month after first 60 days.
To opt out, call 800-654-9256 and have your Merchant ID available. Thank you for attending to these items. We are available to provide any guidance, support, or assistance you may need. Do not hesitate to call or email us and feel free to refer to our website for many useful resources.
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